About Dezire Affirmations

Hello, friends. I’m very glad to see you on my blog about how to make things better with the help of positive affirmations. I’m not going to teach you anything or to introduce myself as a coach. I create my blog not for cheating or wishful thinking. It’s all about affirmations and their pros.

My goal is to tell about my knowledge, about the fact that I’ve been studding and practicing for almost 10 years. I found things that really work during that time. These are exactly the things I’d like to share on this blog. I hope you will find something useful, vital and really working for you here.

Have you ever heard about positive thinking or self-empowerment? I bet you do. If no, it’s OK. There is nothing difficult. We’ll get it all soon. You have read about affirmations meaning above. For me, in simple words, an affirmation = a kind of inspiring statement. It’s a vital thing I use every day. Why? Because I know these words can work miracles in life.

Are your thought powerful enough?

Before you start exploring the world of affirmations, you can take a short quiz to check your mind power. It’s fun and can bring an insight to you. So don’t deny yourself of some pleasure.

I suggest you to take the quiz to know about the power of your thoughts. Are you able to fulfill your desires by the power of your mind? Answer just 8 questions to find out your abilities.

Start Quiz

After taking the quiz, you can explore the whole website and find a lot of useful information there including free affirmation lists on different topics and guides about affirmations, tips and more. You can also start with the best affirmations or what a few inspiring videos.

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